5 Dental Restorations That Can Save Your Smile
Are you unhappy with your smile? You’re not alone. Many people would like to attain a beautiful, healthy smile, but don’t know where to start. An experienced tooth restoration dentist can evaluate your teeth and offer different restorative dentistry options to give you a new, gorgeous smile. The most common types of to help repair missing, damaged, or discolored teeth are:
- Fillings
- Bridges
- Crowns
- Dentures
- Implants
Each restorative dentistry option is explained in more detail below so you’ll be more informed and confident when seeking treatment.
1. Dental Fillings
Any cavities found in your mouth will need to be drilled out and replaced with dental fillings. Many patients appreciate being able to use tooth-colored fillings though (also called composite resin fillings) for permanent teeth. With this option, no one has to know that you had fillings if it’s something you want to keep private.
Composite resin fillings are different because they match the color of your natural tooth enamel, unlike traditional metal fillings made out of amalgam, gold, or silver.
2. Implants
Dental implants are ideal for patients who want to replace a tooth with a dental restoration that feels and looks natural. Dental implants are titanium posts inserted into your jawbone to mimic the function of natural tooth roots.
During a process called
, the dental implant will fuse to the jawbone over the course of several months. Afterward, your dentist will place an abutment and dental crown over your implant to form your new artificial tooth.3. Dental Bridges
If you have
in your smile, you may want to consider the .This process works by using healthy teeth on the side of your missing tooth. During the dental bridge procedure, your Columbus restoration dentist will place a false tooth in between two natural teeth or dental implants. This process does often requires us to file off a thin layer of your side teeth to fit the dental bridge over them.
The natural teeth beside the gap are capped with dental crowns to properly secure the new artificial tooth, which is cemented in place. This process is highly popular among people with a tooth gap.
4. Crowns
To hide the appearance of tooth decay, cracks, chips, or even discoloration, you may want to ask an experienced restoration dentist if dental crowns are right for you. Like the name suggests, dental crowns sit on top of your teeth and cover the entire tooth above the gum line.
During your first visit, your dentist will file down the teeth on all sides to make room for the new dental crown. Then, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a lab where your dental restoration will get made.
In the meantime, a temporary crown will be fitted over your tooth. During your second visit, the temporary crown will be replaced with the permanent dental crown and be cemented into place.
5. Dentures
If you’ve had several teeth pulled out or are in need of replacement teeth, you may want to talk about dentures with your tooth restoration dentist.
Full or partial dentures are essentially removable teeth that can help you eat and talk normally. While getting used to dentures can take some time, they can help you maintain your quality of life after significant tooth loss. By using dental implants, there are also some options we offer in which we can make your dentures more secure in their place.
Dentures still need to be cleaned regularly too! These teeth replacement options are meant to act like real teeth and should be treated with the same amount of care.
Ready to Talk with Your Dentist?
If you are interested in our restorative dentistry services, please feel free to request an appointment with us online or call your at (614) 878-9562. Dr. Adam Gibson DDS is dedicated to helping patients achieve their best smiles through the best dental restoration services.